• Isagenix® is a TOTAL BODY Nutritional Cleansing and Revitalizing System.
• It’s NOT a DIET . . . and it is NOT a FAST.
• Isagenix® is NOT just a COLON or LIVER CLEANSE. It is a TOTAL BODY Cleanse.
• Isagenix® does NOT use Harmful Stimulants ~ no Ma Huang ~ no Ephedra ~ no Caffeine.
• It’s Wholesome FOOD that FEEDS your body ~ it does NOT STARVE it.
• It’s also an Enzyme Transport and Delivery System ~ that facilitates digestion, nutrient delivery and absorption !
Nutritional Cleansing Helps the Body to Purify and Drop Weight and Inches ~ SAFELY . . .
• ISAGENIX® helps your body to cleanse itself. Impurities accumulate over time in your body
and are often stored in the FAT cells in your body. When impurities are released ~ the fat does
not have any reason to stay. Really simple. It makes perfect sense.
• Lose weight and lessen the potential for disease.
• It is important to drink LOTS and LOTS of water during this program ~ to help flush out
impurities and hydrate your body.
• You will feel lighter, have less fat, and lots more energy.
Why it is Safe to Lose Weight Fast ~ with ISAGENIX Nutritional Cleansing . . .
• Many DIETS that promote RAPID weight loss use harsh diuretics which rob the body of important
nutrients and minerals (especially potassium, magnesium, calcium) which can dangerously upset
your electrolyte balance ~ causing dehydration and often depression.
• ISAGENIX® does NOT use Harmful Stimulants ~ like Ma Huang, Ephedra or Caffeine ~ which
speed up your metabolism in an unhealthy way ~ increasing your blood pressure and heart rate.
• ISAGENIX® feeds your body wholesome FOOD and HERBS ~ to help your body CLEANSE itself ~
and NOURISH and REVITALIZE your cells.*
• That’s why you feel so vibrant and have so much energy. When you help your body to free itself
of impurities ~ you feel better, brighter and have lots more energy.