Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The Isagenix 30-Day Cleanse
Days 1-6: Shake Days
Day 7: Cleanse
Days 8-13: Shake Days
Day 14: Cleanse
Days 15-20: Shake Days
Day 21: Cleanse
Days 22-27: Shake Days
Day 28: Clenase
Days 29-30: Shake Days
Every Day: Drink plenty of water, take one Natural Accelerator capsule 2x a day, drink 1-2 ounces of Ionix Supreme.
Cleanse - You'll drink four-ounces of Cleanse for Life™ four times today—at breakfast, lunch, late afternoon and in the evening. Mix it with eight-ounces of purified water; or drink Cleanse for Life™ alone and drink the water immediately afterward. Take your first serving of Cleanse for Life™ shortly after awakening in the morning. Each serving should be taken approximately four hours apart. Throughout the day, drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water and eat Snacks!, IsaDelight™, almonds or organic apples if you get hungry. IsaDelight™ is an excellent treat that may also help alleviate nagging cravings and hunger, while lifting your mood. Take one to two, up to twice daily. Take one Natural Accelerator™ capsule early morning and at 2:00 in the afternoon for best results.
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Isagenix 9-Day Cleanse
Day One - Pre-cleanse - see my other post for instructions.
Day Two - Pre-cleanse - see my other post for instructions.
Days Three and Four - Cleanse - You'll drink four-ounces of Cleanse for Life™ four times. I like to drink it cold over ice. Drink the water immediately afterward. Throughout the day, drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water and eat Snacks!, almonds or organic apples if you get hungry. IsaDelight™ is an excellent treat that may also help alleviate nagging cravings and hunger, while lifting your mood. Take one to two, up to twice daily. Take one Natural Accelerator™ capsule early morning and at 2:00 in the afternoon for best results.
Days Five-Nine - Shake Days - drink two shakes today and eat one sensible meal, along with IsaDelight™, Snacks!, almonds or an organic apple. See my Eating Healthy Blog for some meal ideas.
Days Ten and Eleven - Cleanse Days - repeat Days Three and Four
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Isagenix Pre-Cleanse
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Preparing to Cleanse
Here’s an example:
Essential for All Days
Pure water (bottled or purified with a filter)
Meals for Pre-Cleanse and Shake Days
Lean protein, fish or organic tofu
Eggs (Free-range omega-rich eggs preferred)
Organic vegetables, such as broccoli, green beans, leaf lettuce and tomatoes
Whole grains, such as brown rice and barley
Unsalted almonds
Organic fruits, such as apples and grapes
Raw vegetables - celery, carrots, cucumbers, etc
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Isagenix Glossary
Cleansing and Fat Burning System—An Isagenix system that features revolutionary products and a comprehensive system that accelerates the removal of impurities and helps the body safely lose unwanted weight.
Coach—The sponsor who enrolled in Isagenix. This person will help guide you through your Cleansing and Fat Burning System.
Pre-Cleanse Days—Two days that lead up to Cleanse Days. During these days you will be eliminating non-nutritious foods while drinking two shakes and eating one 400 – 600 calorie meal. Pre-Cleanse Days prepare you for cleansing.
Shake Days—Five days that separate the block of two Cleanse Days. You’ll drink two shakes and eat one meal and up to two snacks during these days.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Isagenix Pre-Cleanse
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Testimonial - Jack Canfield - Chicken Soup for the Soul series
– Jack Canfield, (Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul series)
Hear Jack Canfield talk about Isagenix
Testimonial - John Gray - Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
– John Gray, Ph.D. (Author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus and The Mars & Venus Diet & Exercise Solution)
Hear Dr. Joh Gray talk about Isagenix by clicking here.
Are You Toxic?
Are You Toxic? Video
Cleansed for Life
Cleansed for Life Video
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Isagenix Testimonial - Pat, Locust Valley, NY
To date I have helped 20+ people start the program and they have also seen the same results that Pam and I experienced. Some of these people were severely overweight like myself, some just wanted to lose a little but increase their energy, and some did not want to lose any but wanted to eliminate toxins from their body and become healthier.
Eliminating toxins is the key to Isagenix. I could have done the typical diets or even eat nothing and I would not have lost the weight that I have. In removing toxins from your system it allows the body to shed excess water and fat celled that are wrapped around these toxins for the sole reason of protecting you. There is a video on the web site from a doctor that explains this better than I can.
About Me - My Isagenix Story
In addition to the weight loss:
- I feel great and have more energy.
- I have cut out eating junk foods and no longer have cravings for junk food.
- I have cut my coffee intake. I would usually have 2-3 cups a day. I now have less than a cup. I could probably cut it out altogether, but still love that morning cup of coffee.
- I notice a difference in my hair and nails. My hair feels thicker and healthier.
- I also noticed that I no longer get migraines. I am not sure if Isagenix has anything to do with this. However, I have not had a migraine since starting the program. I did get infrequent migraines before.
Monday, August 17, 2009
What is Nutritional Cleansing?
Nutritional Cleansing is built upon the health routine of cleansing, including fasting and drinking herbal remedies, which has been practiced throughout history. Cleansing gives the body the chance to rest, regenerate and assist in its natural ability to remove toxins and impurities to promote long-term wellness. However, Nutritional Cleansing improves upon this ancient practice with a system that cleanses, replenishes and revitalizes the body with essential nutrients. Fasting helps to remove impurities from the body, but Nutritional Cleansing speeds up this process by infusing the body with healthy nutrients.
In simple terms, Nutritional Cleansing can be compared to changing the oil in your car. We regularly change the oil in our cars because it gets dirty and clogged by pollutants. We drain the dirty oil and replace it with clean oil, which helps our cars to run more efficiently. The same can be said for our bodies. We are regularly exposed to pollutants in our environment, impurities in our diets and stress that is often created by our hectic lifestyles. Nutritional Cleansing helps the body and organs to do what they are designed to do naturally and remove impurities.
Isagenix has created the practice of Nutritional Cleansing and developed systems that help to promote optimum health. Isagenix systems focus on a complete approach to greater health and wellness with Nutritional Cleansing, a low-calorie meal routine and taking essential daily nutrients. Cleanse Days are a period of low-calorie intake, with no meals and only suggested snacks, accompanied by our Cleanse for Life™ liquid nutritional supplement, which replenishes the body with essentials vitamins and minerals. The low-calorie meal routine consists of Shake Days where one to two meals are replaced with healthier options such as nutrient-rich IsaLean® Shakes, Bars or Soups. The third meal is a suggested low-calorie, nutrient-dense meal. The final component of our systems is an infusion of essential nutrients, which includes daily supplements taken that provide essential vitamins and minerals to optimize health.
Our Nutritional Cleansing systems are not a “quick-fix” or a diet, but a means to creating a healthy, manageable lifestyle. The benefits of Nutritional Cleansing, combined with the convenience of a complete wellness system, has given people the ability to change their lives in remarkable ways and has created greater health and safe, lasting weight loss for hundreds of thousands of people. *Weight-loss results may vary.
Traditional Diet vs. Cleansing
Traditional Diet:Fat stored to protect from impuritiesSmaller body means increased percentage of impuritiesBody senses increased level of impurities and goes into emergency fat production - REBOUND!Fat stored to protect from impurities .
Cleansing:Shed Pounds Without The Rebound and Help Build Lean Muscle at the Same Time !Cleansing is a safe, healthy, and natural way to achieve a healthier, leaner body.Impurities are released, so body sheds fat Better overall health with less fat and more lean muscle.
If your weight is a challenge ~ ISAGENIX is your answer.
• Cleanses your body of impurities . . . releases stubborn fat
• Helps build lean muscle
• Replenishes the body with high quality nutrients
• Creates an environment for wellness
• FAST, safe, weight loss
• Increases energy and vitality
• Promotes beautiful skin, hair, and nails
• Endorsed by Medical Doctors
• Easy to follow program
• Cleansing Drink consisting of Aloe Vera juice, 70 + Ionic minerals, herbal tea extracts, and other botanicals that feed the system ~ not starve it.
• Natural Accelerator Capsules that are Ephedra-free, Ma Huang-free, yet complete with ingredients that facilitate RAPID Fat Loss and promote Energy.
• Isagenix Snacks that help balance your blood sugar through a perfect blend of protein, essential fats, and complex carbohydrates.
• IsaLean Shakes containing a unique, low-lactose, whey protein blend with amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Promotes muscle density and suppresses appetite and cravings.
• 400 – 600 calories of healthy food
21 Reasons to Cleanse
by Becky Natrajan, M.D.
1. Strengthen the Immune System. Cleansing impurities and flooding the body with high grade essential nutrients strengthens the immune system. Some studies indicate that a healthy dose of high grade, absorbable protein will strengthen your immune system by as much as 500%.
2. Love Your Liver. A clean, healthy liver supports metabolism and burns fat. A healthy liver promotes normal thyroid function and when the thyroid is healthy, your metabolism and energy levels escalate.
3. Support Healthy Brain Chemistry. When your body can effectively absorb and digest fats and protein, it converts these nutrients into healthy brain chemicals. When your brain chemistry is aligned, you will make healthier food selections.
4. Restore Antioxidants. Toxic compounds create "free radicals" that have the potential to damage cellular DNA-thus leading to cancer, weakened immune systems and accelerated aging. Antioxidants are substances that block free radical formation and destroy already formed free radicals.
5. Free yourself from stress. In herbal medicine, adaptogens are used to help the body "adapt" to imbalances that stress the body externally or internally. Replenishing the body's needed adaptogens assists in the body's own self-regulatory systems, thus reducing stress.
6. Maximize Absorption of Essential Nutrients. Maximizing absorption of nutrients helps to fuel the internal body to support all major organ systems including the circulatory, musculoskeletal, and neurological systems.
7. Aid Digestion. Herbs such as suma, peppermint, fennel seed, and licorice have been used in many cultures to support and aid in digestion. Peppermint is a nontoxic digestive remedy that can provide relief from gas, bloating, nausea, and gastric upset. Peppermint has a calming effect on the smooth muscle of the intestinal tract and is felt to promote the flow of bile from the gallbladder into the small bowel, thus aiding in the digestion of fats.
8. Rejuvenate Your Cells with Ionic Minerals. Minerals are the key to enzyme activation in our digestive tract. When minerals are present, our intestines allow for ultimate absorption of vitamins and essential nutrients. Modern lifestyle has taken its toll on our digestive/elimination organs. Ionic (charged) minerals are the most easily absorbed by our body.
9. Support Your Vital Organs. If your body is overwhelmed with impurities, gentle cleansing herbs and essential nutrients will allow it to eliminate toxins through the liver (the major detoxifying organ of the body), colon, urinary tract, sweat glands, skin pores, and the lymphatic system much more effectively.
10. Lose Weight and Feel Great. Studies have shown that fat cell provide the perfect environment for holding onto toxins. This is our body's natural mechanism for protecting itself from dangerous, often deadly toxins. Cleansing aids in the body's ability to flush fat and increase metabolism.
11. Eliminate Unhealthy Cravings. The healthy body will crave healthy things. The unhealthy body will crave unhealthy things. Cleansing and replenishing allows the internal body to create an environment that craves good, nutritious food.
12. Enhance Cellular Communication. Our cells want two things: good nutrients and a clean environment in which to communicate. Cleansing provides our cells with both.
13. Build Muscle. Cleaning and then replenishing with pharmaceutical grade organic whey protein provides the body with essential amino acids that are the building blocks for the development of lean, dense muscle.
14. Address Diabetes. Type II diabetes is a serious disease that is rampant because of our lifestyles. Effective weight loss and fueling of the body can aid in the body's ability to restore normal sugar levels.
15. Beautify The Skin. Our skin is the largest organ of our body. Cleansing and replenishing rejuvenates our skin, making us appear younger and more supple.
16. Create Abundant Energy. Better sleep cycles, achieved through cleansing, provide the body with stamina, energy, and mental clarity throughout the waking hours.
17. Balance Your Hormonal System. Cleansing and replenishing balances hormone levels, leading to a feeling of constant well being, increased stamina and increased sexual desire.
18. Slow the Effects of Aging. Toxins and nutritional deficiency can lead to premature aging on an internal and external level. Cleansing and replenishing allows our cells the ability to attach the affects of aging head on. A younger appearance along with incredible energy is often the result!
19. Address Cancer. Researchers suggest that approximately 90,000 cancer deaths may be related to obesity and are therefore, preventable. For almost all cancers, the risk of death increases coincident with body mass increases. Cleansing and replenishing often results in significant weight loss and, thus can reduce the risk of cancer.
20. Enhance Elimination. Refined, processed, low fiber foods, animal fats, lack of exercise, dehydration, and an ever-increasing level of stress all contribute to an irritable bowel and to sluggish elimination from the intestinal tract. Cellular cleansing and replenishing with fiber rich nutrients allows for better colonic elimination of impurities and is essential in the prevention of intestinal disorders.
21. Never Diet Again! Cleansing and refueling the body is an "anti-diet" approach to optimal health and weight manangement. "Diets" are often imbalanced and neither strengthen the immunes system nor rid the body of toxins. Imbalanced diets rob the body of essential nutrients and only offer temporary results.