Welcome to my Blog

In July of 2009 I found myself weighing almost as much as I did when I was 9 months pregnant with my first child 12 years earlier. After spending my whole life "skinny" I the weight was no longer coming off easy. A friend introduced me to Isagenix. I tried the 9-day cleanse and lost 7 pounds. I then completed the 30-day cleanse (after a brief vacation in Disney World) and lost 11 more pounds. Isagenix easily helped me reach my goal. In addition to the weight loss I gained energy back that I forgot I had. I look and feel younger. I now continue to use the Isagenix products not only to maintain my weight but because I truly believe that they are keeping me healthy and young. The best part is to this date, the extra weight has not returned.

I have compiled this blog to give you information about the different Isagenix products. Whether you goal is weightloss or you just want to do something awesome and healthy for yourself Isagenix has products to meet your needs. Please
contact me for additional information. I would love to get you started on your way to a healthier YOU.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Isagenix Glossary

Cleanse Days—During these days, you’ll be drinking Cleanse For Life™ four times and up to two system-approved snacks. There are four Cleanse Days during the 9-day system. If you use the 30-day system there is one cleanse day a week.

Cleansing and Fat Burning System—An Isagenix system that features revolutionary products and a comprehensive system that accelerates the removal of impurities and helps the body safely lose unwanted weight.

Coach—The sponsor who enrolled in Isagenix. This person will help guide you through your Cleansing and Fat Burning System.

Pre-Cleanse Days—Two days that lead up to Cleanse Days. During these days you will be eliminating non-nutritious foods while drinking two shakes and eating one 400 – 600 calorie meal. Pre-Cleanse Days prepare you for cleansing.

Shake Days—Five days that separate the block of two Cleanse Days. You’ll drink two shakes and eat one meal and up to two snacks during these days.