If this is your first time cleansing with Isagenix, you should complete two pre-cleanse days before starting the nine days. Thus making this an 11-day cleanse.
Day One - Pre-cleanse - see my other post for instructions.
Day Two - Pre-cleanse - see my other post for instructions.
Days Three and Four - Cleanse - You'll drink four-ounces of Cleanse for Life™ four times. I like to drink it cold over ice. Drink the water immediately afterward. Throughout the day, drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water and eat Snacks!, almonds or organic apples if you get hungry. IsaDelight™ is an excellent treat that may also help alleviate nagging cravings and hunger, while lifting your mood. Take one to two, up to twice daily. Take one Natural Accelerator™ capsule early morning and at 2:00 in the afternoon for best results.
Days Five-Nine - Shake Days - drink two shakes today and eat one sensible meal, along with IsaDelight™, Snacks!, almonds or an organic apple. See my Eating Healthy Blog for some meal ideas.
Days Ten and Eleven - Cleanse Days - repeat Days Three and Four